Karen Bird
Birthdate (M/D) 02/10
What is your favorite:
Color: Green
Candy: SmartSweet Gummies, or any low sugar gummies or licorice.
Snack: Macadamia nuts, pistachios, Miltons gluten free crackers, Tajin gummies, any scone ☺ I also LOVE any sugar cookie with frosting, esp. Kristie’s Cookies!
Flower: succulents, any flowers without a strong scent
Fast Food: Chipotle, Tropical Smoothie Café, Jersey Mikes
Restaurant: Jalapenos, 3 Regions, Local Johnny’s
Scent/Fragrance: Bath and Body Orange Ginger
Beverage: Iced Latte w/ Coconut Milk, no sweetener, La Croix (any flavor), Vitamin Water (orange or lemonade)
How do you take your coffee/tea and from where? I LOVE COFFEE! Hot or Iced Latte with Coconut Milk, no sweetener. Starbucks or Dutch.
Have any food allergies or dislikes? no
What are your hobbies/interests? I love to read, hike, swim, play games.
Where are your favorite places to shop? (books, apparel, essentials and for pampering):
Target, Home Goods, Amazon, Pretty Please, Glad Nails, Hand and Stone Massage.
Favorite music? Artists? Authors? Classic Rock, Agatha Christie or mystery author.
"If I had a spare $10, I would by.....coffee and a scone
"If I had a spare $100, I would buy.....stuff for the class! and a new collapsible wagon!
"My idea of a perfect day includes..." spending time with my family, hiking or playing games with them, getting a pedicure or a massage
For Teachers:
What do you find you always need more of in your classroom?
Expo Markers, Outdoor chalk, black pens
Link to Amazon Wish List:
What's your favorite thing to share with your students? Reading a book and making it come to life!
Upcoming Events:
- Friday, February 28
- Thursday, March 6
- Friday, March 7
- Monday, March 10
- Tuesday, March 11
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