
First and Last Name Stephanie Holder


Monogram SWH


Birthdate (M/D) 08/08


What is your favorite:

Color Pink


Candy Reese Big Cups or Haribo Gummis


Snack Baked Lays


Flower Peony


Sport/Team I watch them all not especially invested in any one currently


Fast Food Chick Fil A


Restaurant Paradise Valley Burger Co, Cheesecake Factory, Blu Burger,Butters


Scent/Fragrance Le Labo Rose


Beverage Diet Coke


How do you take your coffee/tea and from where? I do not drink either


Have any food allergies or dislikes? I don’t eat salad or coconut


What are your hobbies/interests? Swimming, shopping, reading, family


Where are your favorite places to shop? Target, Nordstroms, Lululemon, Alo


Favorite music? Artists? Authors? Karin Slaughter(books), Dave Matthews Band, Stevie Nicks(music)


“If I had a spare $10, I would buy…” Fashion magazine and a Diet coke from CFA


“If I had a spare $100, I would buy…”new pair of leggings from lululemon- can you really ever have enough black leggings?


“My idea of a perfect day includes…”  Sleeping late, facial, late breakfast at Butters,shop for a few hours dinner and a fire outside( clearly thinking Fall here)


For Teachers:


What do you find you always need more of in your classroom?  We always need expo markers, prizes and clorox wipes. It would be nice to have additional resources like reproducibles because resource kids often practice a skill for a good while, more variety is neverbad


Link to Amazon Wishlist for classroom: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2NHA38AB1ZCS2?ref_=wl_share


What’s your favorite thing to share with your students? time and stories, I love to read to them to introduce them to books they might not pick but would love if they heard them



Name: Lisa Cleveland
Name: John Cowen
Name: Whitney Gombert
Name: Alisa Gould
Name: Stephanie Holder
Name: Natalia Jeschien
Name: Leah Kriss
Name: Melissa Snell
Name: Beth Udisky

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Image number 6 in a rotating selection of images.

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Encore Wish Lists:

Art Wishlist 

PE Wishlist 

STEM Wishlist
Music Wishlist