2024-2025 Sponsorship Form

Our team has been working behind the scenes to prepare for the year ahead and we are excited to rollout the 24/25 school year sponsorship opportunities! If you or someone you know is interested in supporting the HTES PTO, we would love to talk to you! Being a sponsor of the PTO is a great way to highlight your business AND invest in our school. These funds directly impact the educational programs and team at HTES that make our Stallion community the absolute best. Please consider supporting! If you would like to sponsor in another way, please email us at htesparents@gmail.com
(Please select MORE to see each package) 
Item DescriptionPriceQty
 Bronze Spur Package: more
 Silver Stallion Package: more
 Golden Horseshoe Package: more
 I'd like to contribute a different amount outside of the packages$

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