Why Join?


Becoming a member of the HTES PTO will give you a voice in your students educational journey by; helping to vote in PTO Board Members, run to be on the PTO Board and help shape our school thru PTO initiatives and fundraisers. 




We just need you!


Membership is donation-based on what works for you. With this membership, you can vote in PTO members, run to be on the board and help shape our school through PTO initiatives and fundraisers. Below are some of the things the PTO raises money for:


Ready to Join?  


1.  Go to the My Account

2.  Click on "Forms/Paperwork" 

3.  Fill Out the Membership Form

Upcoming Events:  

iCal Calendar Links Click Here

Check out our Spirit Store!!

Items will ship directly to your home!

 Stallion Spirit Wear Store...Click Here!

 Monthly Spirit Wear Event!!!!!

 Aug 9th, Sep 6th, Oct 11th,

Nov 1st, Dec 6th, Jan 10th,

Feb 7th, Mar 7th,

Apr 4th, May 2nd


Encore Wish Lists:

Art Wishlist 

PE Wishlist 

STEM Wishlist
Music Wishlist