
First and Last Name Kathy Schutza

Monogram KSA

Birthdate (M/D) January 5

What is your favorite:

Color: pink/green

Candy I try not to eat candy, but I like chocolate covered almonds, Red Vines

Snack gluten free: anything

Flower all

Sport/Team not really into sports, besides my childrens’

Fast Food Chipotle, In N Out, Chick Fil A

Restaurant  Blu Burger, Pita Jungle, Babbos

Scent/Fragrance Lavender

Beverage Arnold Palmer, water, Crystal light, wine:)

How do you take your coffee/tea and from where?  Starbucks or AJ’s    : Hot peppermint mocha or chai tea latte, any iced teas or refreshers

Have any food allergies or dislikes? Gluten free

What are your hobbies/interests? Reading, gardening, fishing

Where are your favorite places to shop? Target, Kohls, Chicos

Favorite music? Artists? Authors? Classic rock

“If I had a spare $10, I would buy…” Chardonnay, sushi, book, colorful pens

“If I had a spare $100, I would buy…” facial, massage, night at Desert Ridge Marriott

“My idea of a perfect day includes…” sleeping in, coffee, kids make me lox/bagels in bed, nap

For Teachers:

What do you find you always need more of in your classroom? Glue, Expo, time

Link to Amazon Wishlist for classroom:


What’s your favorite thing to share with your students? Flamingos, stickers


Name: Suzanne Allen
Name: Sandy Bagley
Name: Karen Bird
Name: Lyndsey Bucklin
Name: Amy Burns
Name: Jessica Cresswell
Name: Jessie Dizdarevic
Name: Kristi Frederiksen
Name: Jana Groh
Name: Kellee Hanson
Name: Leighanne Harrison
Name: Carrie Katai
Name: Briana Rosser
Name: Danielle Samardzic
Name: Shawna Schantz
Name: Kathy Schutza
Name: Kelli Siegel
Name: Jenny Utterback

Upcoming Events:  

iCal Calendar Links Click Here


Image number 1 in a rotating selection of images.
Image number 2 in a rotating selection of images.
Image number 3 in a rotating selection of images.
Image number 4 in a rotating selection of images.
Image number 5 in a rotating selection of images.
Image number 6 in a rotating selection of images.

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 Aug 9th, Sep 6th, Oct 11th,

Nov 1st, Dec 6th, Jan 10th,

Feb 7th, Mar 7th,

Apr 4th, May 2nd


Encore Wish Lists:

Art Wishlist 

PE Wishlist 

STEM Wishlist
Music Wishlist